Teacher Courses

We provide a range of courses aimed at teachers wanting to begin or advance their study of Ancient Greek, with a view to extending provision in their own schools. To apply or register your interest for any of the teachers courses, please use the CONTACT US button. Do not apply online as this will sign you up for the main student course.

Greek courses for teachers

Teacher courses last for one week (Sunday to Saturday).

The main features of the courses are:

– 15 hours of Greek tuition (with significant amounts of independent study in between sessions);

– integrated discussion about delivering the material in schools, as well as extra CPD sessions (e.g. Greek on limited time, textbook options, how to exploit links with Latin, online tools, etc.);

– lesson observations of other classes at the summer school;

– afternoon seminars and evening lectures, covering a wide range of linguistic, literary, historical, philosophical and artistic topics;

– the chance to meet the course tutors – 40 school-/university-level Greek teachers;

– access to Bryanston School’s outstanding sports and music facilities.

Those at Bryanston in week 2 will also have the chance to see two drama performances by students: a comedy (in English) on the Sunday and a tragedy (in Greek) on the Friday.

The course fee for 2025 is £565. The fee includes all tuition and full-board accommodation (mature students are usually housed together). It also includes an optional £40 donation towards our Bursary Fund. We would expect that most teachers applying for the course would be funded by their school. If this is not possible, bursaries are available; thanks to generous support from Classics For All, the Classical Association and individual donors, we have funds specifically to support teachers.

Please use the contact page if you have any queries about logistics, accommodation and financial matters or the academic programme.

Courses offered


For teachers with no experience of Greek at all, beyond recognising the alphabet


For teachers not yet at GCSE standard who are unable to tackle unadapted Greek

GCSE or A-Level

For those wanting to teach Greek at GCSE or A-level, who can already read Ancient Greek texts


Week 1, Sunday 27th July to Saturday 2nd August – A course for teachers with little or no Greek at present – no prior knowledge is assumed. It provides a strong introduction to the basics of noun cases and verb tenses. Taylor’s Greek to GCSE Chapters 1-5 will be covered.


Week 2, Sunday 3rd to Saturday 9th August – This course assumes some knowledge, i.e. the three noun declensions and common verbs in present, future, imperfect and aorist tenses. It will start at Chapter 6 of Taylor’s Greek to GCSE and will aim to get well into Chapter 9. Key topics covered will include participles, the middle and passive voices, comparison of adjectives, and verbs with epsilon-contraction. It will be possible for teachers to attend the Beginner course in Week 1 and stay on for the Intermediate course in Week 2 if they wish.

GCSE Level

Week 1, Sunday 27th July to Saturday 2nd August This course will provide a refresher for the UK GCSE requirements: it will recap the main constructions and linguistic features, and will cover the most popular set text options for the literature papers (Homer and Herodotus). It will be of great value for those who have not yet taught the GCSE, as well as for those returning to Greek teaching and seeking to consolidate their knowledge.

A Level

Week 2, Sunday 3rd to Saturday 9th August. This course is aimed at teachers who will be teaching Greek in the 6th Form or to A Level. The course will assist with the transition from GCSE: it will focus on the main constructions and grammatical forms beyond GCSE, and will provide some experience of reading from a range of current A Level texts, both prose and verse, along with strategies and tips on answering A Level style questions.

This course would suit both new and more experienced teachers who have experience of teaching Greek to GCSE but may not have recently taught to A-Level.

There also remains the option for teachers to attend the main Summer School for the full fortnight in an Advanced class. Those interested should contact the Director of Studies ([email protected]) to discuss their individual circumstances and study aims.


Interested in attending the Greek summer school?